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Progress Report

Having assisted in the placement and ongoing support of a number of refugees here in the UK during the early stages of the Ukrainian war, when we got to know them better it soon became apparent that those we had helped recognised that the needs of the millions of displaced people inside Ukraine are much greater than their own. That has led us to refocus our efforts from refugees here in the UK, who are by and large well supported, towards victims remaining in their own country who are in desperate need. 

Over the past 18 months we purchased and collected a wide range of essential aid items and arranged for their shipment, including medical supplies, blankets, 700Kg of winter clothing and 30 boxes of children's clothes.

We also ran a series of small events in the Guildford/Waverley area to collect donations and raise awareness of the plight of the victims of the war.

With strong personal links to people and agencies working inside Ukraine, particularly in the Nikopol area close to the front line, Neighbours Welcome now raises funds in the UK but works directly with local contacts in the war zone itself, to provide maximum benefit at minimum cost for those who need it most.

​Over the past 18 months we purchased and collected a wide range of essential aid items and arranged for their shipment, including medical supplies, blankets, 700Kg of winter clothing and 30 boxes of children's clothes. We also ran a series of small events in the Guildford/Waverley area to collect donations and raise awareness of the plight of the victims of the war.

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