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Launch of Nikopol Appeal

Updated: Jun 4

Nikopol is a city on the North bank of the Dnipro River directly opposite the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant which is now inn the hands of the Russian army. There are many refugees in Nikopol from territories now occupied by Russia. Separated from the Russians only by the river, Nikopol is well within the range of drones, missiles and artillery, and as a result it has regularly come under intense bombardment since the invasion.

In 2022 the children's hospital there was badly damaged in one such attack, and although it has since been rebuilt and continues to function, conditions are extremely challenging. With the Ukrainian government channelling its financial resources into the military effort, funds for medical operations are very scarce.

Neighbours Welcome is appealing for funds for those in need of aid in Nikopol and especially for the Nikopol Hospital. Top of their list of needs right now are portable ultrasound machines, needed both for regular use and in emergencies following artillery and drone strikes on civilians, which are all too common. In addition, many other items are needed by the hospital and by the local population, including everything from trauma kits to stretchers, bed linen and bandages.

To make a donation, go to this link.

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